Union Kitchen | Startup Stories — Union Kitchen

Savoring Banso Chips: A Journey Through Cameroonian Culture

Written by Emily Battaglia | Aug 11, 2023 9:47:45 PM

Say hello to one of Union Kitchen's newest Accelerator Members, Banso Chips, founded by Mark Losha and Patrick McCarvill. Basno is a flavor-filled journey inspired by the rich traditions of Cameroonian cuisine. Mark and Patrick worked closely with the Union Kitchen Team on their mission, strategy, and products to find clear direction.

What's the secret to their tantalizing taste? It's all about the beloved plantain - a cherished staple in Cameroon enjoyed by folks from all walks of life. Banso Chips has taken this delightful snack and infused it with their unique blend of spices and seasonings, creating a flavor profile that's absolutely one-of-a-kind!

But hold on, folks, there's more to Banso Chips than meets the eye. Inclusivity is at the heart of their mission! As a minority-owned business, they're committed to making their delectable chips accessible to everyone. That's why their chips are gluten-free and vegan, so you can savor the authentic flavors of Cameroonian culture without a worry.

Let's talk about the dream team behind Banso Chips - the dynamic duo of Mark Losha and Patrick McCarville. Mark, hailing from the breathtaking landscapes of Cameroon's mountainous farmlands, grew up immersed in the rich culinary heritage of spicy delights. And it was in the enchanting Nso land of Cameroon that he met Patrick, an adventurous soul and Peace Corps volunteer. Gathering friends and family for countless barbecues and traditional Nso cookouts, Mark and Patrick shared the essence of Banso's hospitality. These gatherings sparked a brilliant idea - why not share the extraordinary flavors of Banso with the world?

And that's how Banso Chips was born! By leveraging Union Kitchen's resources and Ecosystem, Mark and Patrick have begun owning their manufacturing, developed product formulation, and launched a market ready product. They will now begin to test product market fit, get connected with local customers, and build the foundation of local support. They will ensure they are making things people want and then use this local foundation to continue to build. Banso is following in the footsteps of other powerhouse Union Kitchen brands such as Maspanadas, Compass Coffee, and Snacklins, all of whom owned their own manufacturing and followed a phased approach to growth. This allowed them to have stronger margins and in turn achieve profitability faster and more consistently than their peers.  

Get ready to savor the taste of Cameroon with Banso Chips! Every bag is a ticket to a vibrant culinary experience, where the warmth of Banso's hospitality meets the boldness of their spices. Join us in celebrating Banso Chips' launch, where every chip is a cultural delight.